Friday, May 29, 2020

Cold Calling 10 Tips for Turning Up the Heat

Cold Calling 10 Tips for Turning Up the Heat Youve been  tasked with winning your company some new business. Now youve  got chills and theyre multiplying because  you know exactly what this means.  Cold. Calling. In a  perfect  world  youd  always  keep your ear to the ground, listening  for new leads and sales openings. Following your nose, youd  always have specific people to chase  up and a verifiable  agenda. Business development? Easy peasy! Unfortunately its not always so simple  and sometimes  youll be forced to  rinse a  database for  hidden  opportunities, or dial at random  (shudder).  Forget  admitting an early defeat, closing your eyes and just hoping  for the best  getting  the most out of each  call is completely  up to you.  Before you pick up the phone, read these 10 tips (or regret it later): 1. You are selling something, so don’t pretend you aren’t If you  don’t know them, maybe  minimise the  small talk. Quit pretending  youre best friends and that you care how theyve been  fairing. They wont buy it  (or what youre selling). The key is to be friendly and straight forward. 2. If they’ve answered the phone, they can talk Be very wary of someone who answers your call and then  tells you they are busy.  If they tell you they are in a meeting, try telling them youll be quick  then  get to your point ASAP. Who answers a call from a random number  in the middle of an important meeting? The same goes for  when they tell you they are about to step into one. Dont ask if they have time to talk, just assume they do. 3. Keep your introduction  clear and concise Its always best to take the guesswork out of the call. Tell them your name, what you do and what you are calling about in  as little time as possible. Avoid long-winded and fluffy  explanations that make them switch off. 4. Set a goal for each call Not every call will  immediately bear  the fruit you want. Focus on small wins in the meantime.  Always aim  to gain  something from the call, whether its a time to follow up again, a piece of valuable industry information or the name of someone else worth talking to.  Most calls wont translate to a sale then and there building relationships takes a long time. 5. Smile through the phone Its easy to hear when someones heart is not in what theyre talking about. Likewise, being  unenthused and miserable will filter into your tone of voice. Smiling  while you speak will make you sound upbeat and convincing, like you have something exciting to offer them (which you do)! 6. Follow up when you say you will This is your potential clients  first insight into what its like working with  you.  Show them youre punctual and committed do what you say youre going to do, when you say youre going to do it. Youd be surprised how many people just dont bother following up and miss out altogether. To get this right, you need to acknowledge the importance of good  administration and track information in a way that will set you up for carrying out the next steps. 7. Ditch the script, but always prepare In aid of not wanting to sound like an impersonal pre-recorded message, avoid reading your notes word for word where possible.  Thats not to  say have no notes altogether, in fact, the more handy prompters you have available  and preparation youve done,  the better. The point here is being as natural and bespoke  as possible, while having information at your finger tips should you be questioned about  your service or lose direction. 8. Dont be afraid This one speaks for itself but is easier said than done.  With most cold  calls you  have nothing to lose and everything to gain. The worst that can happen probably involves you being hung up on, or copping the momentary wrath of an irritated answerer. Go in with confidence and a nothing can stop me / bring me down attitude. 9. Listen out for time wasters If you sense someone is just staying on the line for a casual chat, make like a tree and leave. Cold calling is a numbers game and you want to maximise the effectiveness of your time. Always be  pleasant,  but try  to avoid getting lost in a dead-end conversation. 10. Try calling  at different times from different numbers If youre struggling to get through to X and you  call them at the same time every week, its time to mix up your approach. They  might have a jam-packed diary full of recurring meetings, so your job is to find  their free time.  Its also worth switching between your mobile and landline as  your target  might get used to  ignoring your number if they think they know who it is. When it comes to cold calling its up to you to turn up the heat, and make those calls as warm as possible! Remember that whatever you are selling, the person youre calling has probably been living without. It is no wonder fobbing you off appears to be the easiest option for them! Be persistent and dont let them take the easy way out. Whats your top tip on getting the most out of cold calls? Image: Shutterstock

Monday, May 25, 2020

8 Ways the Best Places to Work Are Nailing Culture - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

8 Ways the Best Places to Work Are Nailing Culture - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career What sets your company apart from others in the same field? You probably have something up your sleeve about how you provide the best service or amazing contracts for your clients, but what makes you different for your employees? Your sole focus shouldn’t be on attracting new customers, after all. Making sure you’re set up to get the best and brightest employees and get them to stay is just as important. Workplace culture is one of the most important aspects of employee recruitment and retention. Check out how some of the best companies in the U.S. are doing it. Change the Way You Work The world changes fast now, so it’s vital to keep up with it. Offering new options for work is one way to really connect with your employees. One of the best options, especially for family friendly offices, is to offer a telecommuting option. Many companies, especially those in the technology field, are jumping in on this. SimVentions, in Virginia, is one of those. After all, there’s no reason to force someone to spend time and money commuting if they can work from home when they need to. Emphasize Communication Talk to employees, and encourage them to talk to each other. Don’t base it purely on businesses, either. Engaging co-workers and employees in a more relaxed atmosphere can foster more honest communication than you get in the office. One of the best examples is NGP VAN, where employees are encouraged to give the CEO feedback during paintball outings â€" which are funded by the company, of course. Have Private Spaces An open structure is all the rage, thanks to Silicon Valley entrepreneurship. An open workspace is supposed to encourage creativity and collaboration. That’s wonderful, but it’s also easy to get burned out. For people who are easily distracted, who tend to be more introverted than extroverted, or who just need a break, offer a few quiet spaces. Google offers nap pods in its office, which might be a little extreme. However, quiet spaces are nice and excellent for times when you need to concentrate. Emphasize Parental Leave If you’ve ever been around a newborn, you know they don’t have a regular sleep schedule. Expecting new parents to go back to work either right away, in the case of fathers, or in six weeks for mothers, only hurts the employees and the company. Making the change and offering paternity and a decent amount of maternity leave can help recruit new talent and retain current employees. The 97th Floor is one of the few companies in the U.S. that does this. Work-Life Balance With email, cellphones and a global market, many employees are expected to be able to work at any time, no matter where they are. Offering more than just the basics is a key to doing this. Making sure employees can get real time off, where they don’t have to worry about being called into the office, is good for everyone. It rejuvenates employees, which helps them to enjoy their jobs more and makes them less likely to experience burnout. Worldwide Supply, which was recently named one of the Best Places to Work in New Jersey for the 5th year in a row, is one company that has been dedicated to establishing this balance. According to the CEO, Jay VanOrden, the award reinforces that they’re succeeding in their efforts and that the team is flourishing. Their values and culture are a focal point of the company, and revolve around the TEAM members. Clearly, they’re doing something right! Support Development Employees who become stagnant at work become bored and unhappy. Keeping employees motivated means they have to be able to learn and reach new goals. This is easily the best position an employee can be in for any company. The more each person knows how to do, the more helpful, inventive and inclusive they can be on any given task. Some companies offer reimbursement for college courses, while others, like The Burwood Group, actually pay off student debts. That gives employees a chance to go back to school, without worrying about adding more debt to the pile. Fund Employee’s Finances Most companies assume that a simple paycheck should be enough to keep employees on the right track. However, some people have never really learned how to invest or create a diversified portfolio. Offering financial counseling for employees can help them learn about ways to save and invest that they never knew about. ABG Capital is one of the few companies that makes the financial health of its employees, not just the business, a top priority. Encourage Fitness Keeping employees healthy isn’t just good for the employees, it also saves the company money. Offering health-focused seminars, on-site gyms and standing desks, like C1S Group offers, are some of the ways you can teach employees what health means and how to achieve it. You don’t want your best employees missing time due to preventable diseases, so help them learn to avoid it. These are only some of the ways companies are enhancing the culture at work. The culture you create isn’t just for customers, it’s also to help retain and attract employees. A rotating door wastes time and energy, and keeps employee morale low. If you can, use extra funds to really make a difference in your company’s culture. You’ll find it makes a much bigger difference than you might expect.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Loneliest Generations Millennials and Gen Z - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career

The Loneliest Generations Millennials and Gen Z - Personal Branding Blog - Stand Out In Your Career According to a recently released survey by the healthcare company Cigna, Gen Z is the loneliest generation followed by the millennials. Gen Z has an overall loneliness score of 48.3 and millennials have a score of 45.3. This survey has been conducted with more than 20,000 Americans who are 18 years and older. The survey has several interesting highlights. First of all, social media use alone is not a predictor of loneliness. Secondly, students have higher loneliness scores than retirees. Finally, there is no major difference between men and women and no major difference between races when it comes to average loneliness scores. The survey also shows that individuals who are less lonely are more likely to have regular in-person interactions, are in good overall physical and mental health, have found a balance in their daily activities, and are employed. Research also points out that levels of in-person interactions, physical and mental wellness and life balance are more likely to predict loneliness than social media usage. For instance, those respondents defined as very heavy users of social media have a loneliness score of 43.5 compared to the ones who never use social media with a loneliness score of 41.7. Unfortunately, most young Americans have the feeling that they have to be busy all the time. Otherwise, they feel they will fall behind others and won’t be successful. Therefore, they spend work related time with their peers and this is not usually a high quality time. As a result, they don’t really get to know each other well enough to be real friends. The worst part is that when these young adults find any time to rest or relax, they usually spend this time on their cell phones looking at their social media or surfing on the internet. Instead, if they call a friend to go out or go to gym to workout in their spare times, they feel guilty that they spend too much time for leisure and don’t work hard enough like others. In order to prevent this loneliness, parents should oversee their children and encourage them to have enough sleep, balance between work and life, make some time for activities like going to a movie, a restaurant or shopping in the mall with friends, travel to a nearby place, do some sports to refresh their minds or anything that allows them to move away from their course work. Periods of these type will allow these young adults to rest and recharge. As a result, they will be able to work smarter and longer.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

An open letter to everyone who is concerned about the wage gap

An open letter to everyone who is concerned about the wage gap First of all, a confession: I think the wage gap is fine. I am paid much less than men with my experience and track record, and I don’t care, because I want to be with my kids. Still, I know many people are passionate about closing the gap. In this post, I will tell you what you can do to close the wage gap. First of all, there are more women than men who are qualified to go into STEM but women are not interested. Second, the gender gap in tenure-track STEM is not any bigger than the one in senior leadership in business. And we know that this gap is not because women don’t have equal opportunity. Its because men are fine leaving kids home with nannies and women are not. So men and women have the same choices in life but women want to care for kids more than men do. And that’s a much bigger problem than a simple wage gap. The problem starts in school. Teachers constantly reinforce the idea that kids go to school so they can grow up and get important, impressive jobs.  They train kids from a young age that they are only as good as  their report card. Which means kids lose their natural ability to determine what is valuable and important to them and what is not. So by the time men and women get through school and get jobs, they have been trained to compete for external validation. That’s what work is. Once kids come, women feel a drive so strong to take care of kids that they downshift their careers. Men do not feel that drive. But why do men have to want to take care of kids?  After age three its unclear if parenting impacts adult life, so the quantifiable benefit of having a parent at home is limited. Because there’s no data that says intense parenting is better than periodic parenting. In fact Judith Rich Harris has astounding research to show that most of parenting is pretty irrelevant.  Income impacts adult life way more than parenting. And men are foregoing day-to-day parenting in favor of making money. Its hard to argue with that. So why stay home? To make memories. More nice memories of childhood make for a nicer adulthood because nice memories are nice. That’s all. Parenting is not complicated. Its the choice to make life more meaningful by caring deeply for someone else. And parents can choose how much they want to do that. It happens that women choose to spend more time parenting than men. It doesnt mean men are lame for not spending more time with kids. Remember feminism? Its about everyone getting to choose. Its not about belittling peoples choices  or saying its not really their choice but rather a result of societal pressure. In fact that line of thinking undermines feminism because it says there can be no genuine choices because all societies have societal expectations. Its a class system, maybe. Consider that a parent who has hired a nanny thinks parenting during the day is not important enough to do.  If there is a nanny, the nanny will have playdates with other nannies. A parent who gave up their job to take care of kids sees parenting differently and does not want to spend their adult time talking with someone’s nanny; they  want to be with families who share that value. So if your kid is with a nanny during the day, you kid will hang out with other kids who have nannies. And the kids with a parent at home will hang out with each other. Maybe you are fine letting men choose to work and women choose to stay home. I’m fine with that. Not because I’m great at parenting: I actually suck at it. But its interesting and challenging and meaningful and its really only a short part of my life that I get to be with my kids. Maybe you are not fine that men choose to work and women choose to stay home. Then you should push to change that. You probably want more men to choose to spend more time taking care of kids, right? So if you want men to place higher value on taking care of kids, you have to stop brainwashing kids that the point of going to school is to get a big job. Schools motivate kids by creating constant competition but parenting  does not have a competitive component. So we have to start by telling boys that theyre actually going to school to become good, kind people who are team players in a family.  And if you want boys to think parenting is a great choice for adults, then be sure to tell your sons how much you admire the parents who have dropped out of the workforce to be a caretaker. And you know what that means? You probably have to take your son out of school. If you are sending your kid to those classrooms year after year, you cant say you are trying to raise a generation of boys who will make parenting a priority. Because school teaches the opposite of what you believe is right for boys for eighteen years. So if you really want to close the gender gap, you will homeschool, so your kid can learn to find internal validation that he needs to make parenting a priority. And for your family to homeschool, you have to have one parent staying home.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

8 Thriving Careers in the Construction Industry

8 Thriving Careers in the Construction Industry The construction sector includes the development and construction of residential and non-residential buildings; construction work on civil engineering projects; and specialist construction activities, such as plumbing and electrical installation. You may be interested in construction but aren’t completely sure if the industry is a safe choice.However, the construction industry is booming and this is due to the world’s population continuously rising.evalOn average the world’s urban areas are increasing by 2000,000 people per day. Construction is, of course, a huge part of urban development.Is the Construction Industry Thriving?The Office for National Statisticsclaims the construction industry contributed £113 Billion towards the UK economy last year. There were also 7.2 Million filled construction jobs in 2018. That marks the highest employment rate in a decade. To top that, there were also 263,000 new job openings within the construction industry and a prediction of 4.8 Millio n jobs to open within the specialty trade contractors industry by 2026.Compared to 2017, there was a 6.2% steady increase in firm opening and 23,000 apprenticeships. So is the construction industry thriving? Undeniably. A thriving industry means that construction skills are in demandmore than ever.Construction Artificial IntelligenceArtificial intelligence can help the construction industry overcome some of their challenges such as cost, schedule overruns, and safety.There are already some examples of players in the construction industry making noise over incorporating artificial intelligence into play. There are project schedule optimizers that can consider alternatives to the project delivery plan. It works by continuously analyzing the project plan throughout the work being carried out.There is also image recognition that can assess video data that is taken from a worksite and identify unsafe worker behavior. This can then be used to create future training to prevent such things from happening.Enhanced analytical platforms can collect and analyze data from placed sensors. These sensors use signals and patterns to conduct real-time preventative maintenance and prevent unplanned downtime.evalAccenture predicted that AI will improve the construction industry’s profitability by 71% in 2035. They also revealed that AI technology could also increase labor productivity by 40% in 2035, which is a massive increase. When considering how to build better and how to keep up with the demand, productivity, cost, and safety are massive elements that will need the advancements artificial intelligence can provide.There is a massive misconception that working in construction means a labor job wearing a hi-vis, but this just isn’t the case. Construction is massively involved and reliant on digital technology and there are many roles within the industrythat are not labor-based.How to get into the IndustryLuckily there are a few ways that you can get into the industry depen dant on the experience and qualifications you have.a) ApprenticeshipsevalApprenticeships enable you to start work and earn money as you build skills through supervised training and classroom education. The construction industry offers a variety of roles to choose from. A career in construction could be right for you if you’re interested in the functionalities of building and are a practical person.evalMany of the apprenticeships focus on labor-based roles such as steelwork, lifting technician, welding, plastering, roofing, bricklaying and site supervision. There are different levels of apprenticeships and the qualifications they give you. Intermediate is the equivalent to GCSE, the advance is equivalent to A levels, higher is the equivalent to a foundation degree and degree is bachelors or masters level. Some of the apprenticeships can also give you an additional qualification, such as a diploma.b) Higher educationYou can get a degree in a course such as building and construction management which enables you to go into various parts of the construction sector.Degrees within construction tend to be within the management, science and technology sectors. In management, you may learn the materials and methods needed to build. You’ll likely learn to read blueprints, learn how to appropriately schedule and manage construction employees, and also how to negotiate contracts.Construction management degrees always cover a broad range of skills and knowledge as this is exactly what you’ll need going into a management positionc) Trainee rolesMany construction companies will take on trainees and provide you with vocational training. With trainee roles, an employer may be able to support you from an intermediate level up to higher and degree level. The programs are often tailored to you and the business you work with while you gain an invaluable education too.Job Types within the IndustryConstruction jobs are much more than what you see on a building site. It’s an i ndustry with a variety of career choices. These can involve anything from designing, planning and project management.1) ArchitectsArchitects are the ones who design the buildings we see around us. They design the structure, but architectural technologists are the ones who ensure the technical aspects of design work as they should. So even within this one area, there are two different routes that you can go down.2) Building services engineersevalBuilding services engineers adding elements into a building after the walls and roof have been built. They are the ones that make sure the lighting, power, ventilation, heating, cooling, and water systems correctly run. They may also work on the designs of a building to ensure that these plans are in place or they may just make sure the designs are put into practice efficiently.3)Building surveyorsBuilding surveyors will provide technical advice that relates to both the construction and property. This role can vary, like most roles but the ma in purpose of this role is to identify the condition of a building. Assessing conditions may be anything from looking for mold and cracks and evaluating how much this might cost to repair.4) Geotechnical EngineersevalCivil, structural and geotechnical engineers play a crucial role in ensuring that project designs work when applied. They tend to work either in an office so they can work on the technical aspects of designs. However, some may prefer to work on-site so that they can make sure the designs are implemented correctly. Structural engineers will spend their time ensuring the structure and framework of the project holds tight. Geotechnical engineers will spend their time designing foundations and overseeing the foundation work once on site.5) Landscape ArchitectsLandscape architects will aim to improve the quality of the environment, which is done by designing and managing the open available spaces around. This will involve designing and creating public areas such as towns, ci ties and the countryside.6) Quantity SurveyorsQuantity surveyors are the ones who help a construction project result in profit. This involved working out how much the design would cost in retrospect and how much the project would cost to implement.7) Site ManagersSite managers are the ones who ensure things get done on-site. They are also the ones that make sure the building work is completed on time. This is with the aim of staying within budget and also to a high standard through good management of teams the workers.8) Construction Trade or CraftThese are typically the jobs that you see on-site and often the first jobs you think of that are within construction. These include bricklaying, stonemasonry, carpentry, joinery, demolition work, electrical work, painting and decorating. As well as plumbing, scaffolding, steeple jacking, and wall and floor work. You’re almost spoilt for choice within this sector.evalSkills you’ll need if you want to work in ConstructionCommunication is an extremely vital skill that you’ll need for construction, despite with route you take in the industry. Great communication skills will get you far in the construction industry. ‘You’ll have to negotiate through complex communications almost every day. There are always different teams involved in a project and if communication is lost, mistakes happen. Mistakes cost time and money, something the construction industry doesn’t like wasting.Teamwork within the construction industry is a critical quality you must possess. As we mentioned, you’ll be working with many different teams and this can range from project to daily teams. Under every successful construction project is a team that’s worked well together. If they hadn’t, they wouldn’t have pulled it off.Successfully with other employees as well as external subcontractors is vital and it’s worth noting that employers will always look for leaders within a team as well as team players.We’ve mentioned the two main foundation qualities you’ll need but below is a summary of other qualities you need to work within the construction industry.StrengthOrganizationNumeracyTeamworkMechanical knowledgeClear communicationProblem-solvingDesign planningSo what’s stopping you from pursuing your dream career in construction?The industry is stronger than ever and in an industry that relies on economic growth, job opportunities will only keep growing. You now have information on all the different routes you can take as well as knowledge of how the industry is adopting the technology. Find a role in construction that will enable you to grow like the buildings around you.

Monday, May 11, 2020

What Frustrates You As A Job Seeker Its Poll Time!

What Frustrates You As A Job Seeker Its Poll Time! 9 Flares 9 Flares Ok, so I haven’t ran a poll here in a while, and I think it’s time to start one up. A few job seekers have been ranting about their frustrations lately, and while we all have fun bitching and moaning about the job search process, we all hate one part of it more than others.  Fill in your answer in the poll below, and if you choose “other”, please jot down your “other” response in the comments sections. Thanks, Corn Heads! As a job seeker, what frustrates you most?customer surveys

Friday, May 8, 2020

The Meaning of Resume

The Meaning of ResumeThe meaning of resume can vary according to a resume. In fact, it can be defined as a document that contains the basic information about an individual and also the professional experience that he or she has gained during his or her lifetime.It should contain educational qualification, any qualifications he or she received such as masters, bachelors, certificate, diplomas, degrees, and any other academic background which he or she had earned. An employer generally looks for a certificate from a university or vocational institution; this is an impressive achievement in today's world. The idea behind is to make an impression that the applicant possesses the necessary experience for the job he or she has applied for.The objective of a resume is to give emphasis on the personal information and provide a glimpse into his or her professional background. This is why you should include your name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, social security number, etc. Depending on the industry you are applying for, an applicant can either add relevant details or can supply them separately if needed.Aside from the details provided, it must also be considered the experience. What is considered as experience is different from one person to another. People who have achieved graduate level education usually have an easier time at the interview stage compared to someone who has only earned their elementary school education. In addition, people who have gone for a specific post-secondary institution may have a much easier time compared to someone who has gone for university.Since the term experience has various meanings, the context or the level of its definition will depend on the individual's level of education and the professional field he or she has applied for. Employers look for applicants with relevant experience and those who have completed their high school or diploma, high school equivalency or even trade or technical.Another factor that will affect the meaning of resume is the employment position and the educational background that a person holds. For example, a person with a bachelor's degree has a more serious problem compared to someone who holds a secondary or high school diploma. The importance of education depends on the industry that an individual works in.This is why it is essential that the application has the right format, the proper punctuation and the emphasis placed on the personal information and the industry of the position that an individual is applying for. By knowing what type of resume an employer wants, the applicant will have a better chance of scoring a job.The importance of resume will not just lie in the place where the employer placed it on his desk. Instead, it should be considered as the first impression made by an applicant. The entire resume needs to be perfect since there are many things that employers are looking for.