Friday, July 3, 2020

Are you ready to start blogging

Are you ready to start blogging Establishing an online visibility utilizing social media is a basic requirement in managing a career or business. Once you have created your profiles on Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin as a professional or business or both, the next step is to enhance your presence and personal brand with a blog. Wikipedia provides further details regarding a blog, the name which is a blend of the term web log. If you are familiar with blogs you may be subscribed to a number of feeds to receive the latest post, a consistently updated informational or promotional article from a company or individual. This is an excellent opportunity to gain a wealth of information and reciprocate with a comment, enhancing your personal brand and google ranking.The key to establishing successful relationships online is not unlike networking in person. It involves engaging others in a reciprocal and respected manner. Examples are abundant for all types of blogs and careful consideration should be given to the message you wish to share. Do you want to establish a blog based on personal or professional experiences? Is it intended to promote a service or business or your professional expertise? Perhaps you have the time to create more than one blog on varying topics? Whatever you decide, the greatest impact to establishing your personal brand is a consistent, genuine and authentic message. The following blog from Danny Brown provides excellent advice for new bloggers: 12 Common Mistakes New Bloggers Make, Danny Brown Still not sure if you are ready to start blogging? Read the answer from an executive recruiter to see how a potential candidate used social media to secure a job interview. Smartblog on Social Media, Mary Ellen Slayter

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